Why Roofers Need a Bookkeeper

June 22, 2021

If you are the owner of a roofing company, chances are you didn’t start the company so you could manage your own books.  There are some things to consider when hiring a bookkeeper, if you don’t already have one.

  1. Taxes and Legal Information

All businesses have taxes, and this is one of those parts of owning a business that no one likes – paying Uncle Sam.  There are many ins and outs that need to be set up well ahead of time and getting professional help with the nuances is key to saving a bit of time and a lot of money.

  1. Equipment Investment & Depreciation

Having the right equipment when and where you need it will greatly enhance your business success.  Knowing what you can afford and when to start thinking about upgrades is also key to long-term planning.  This is where a bookkeeper can help clarify some murkier concepts.  They will give you the snapshot and big picture financial information you need to decide your next steps.

  1. Off-season Planning

In New England, this is seasonal work, and any roofing business needs to plan for the colder months when business will inevitably slow down, but the bills don’t.  A bookkeeper can help budget for those slower months, help plan for the cost of marketing, or planning sales restructuring and what impact it might have on your bottom line.  

Planning is a big part of being a business owner, and having someone who can clarify the data you need to make those decisions will make your business much more profitable!