Method Review: Profit First

Book: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

Profit First is a cash management system, explained in a clear, somewhat humorous, book by Mike Michalowicz.  First, props to Mr. Michalowicz for pulling humor into such a dry subject.  As a Numbers Nerd, this stuff gets my fan girl cheering, but most business owners don’t get that excited about how to manage their money.

That said – they SHOULD!

Money is my favorite part of business!  Money is a tool, a means of action, planning and growth!  Even if you have no set means of managing your cash, that itself is a system.  If you have any system, kudos! 

Profit First is a great way to take control of your business’ cash.  Having a system for the dollars is a way to plan ahead, reduce spending, actively budget and …it’s fun!  The idea is quite simple, and it is easy to implement.  While it is not a requirement, Profit First is always strongly recommended to all my clients!

Check it out, see how it fits, take the first step to getting control of your finances and get yourself paid, have money for taxes, even pay yourself a quarterly bonus!  We are happy to answer any questions!