Fall Back!

5 DOs and 5 DON’Ts of the New Fall Season

Fall officially begins this week and there are some key housekeeping things, fall cleanup if you will.  

DO keep an eye on your balances.

DON’T assume that all your bills are on your budget.

DO review your savings.

DON’T give in to panic and spend reactively.

DO update your financial goals for the last quarter.

DON’T forget to review your outcomes for the first three quarters.

DO continue to pay yourself, even if you are in your “off-season”.

DON’T stop putting 25% into your tax holding account.

DO start gathering information on contractors.

DON’T forget to review your own W9 for others, if applicable.

If you are anything like us, we certainly need to tighten up our ship after that crazy summer!  If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know and we can help!  Call us at (508) 939-7511 or set up an Opportunity Session with our CEO Julia at Our Calendar!